What?!…YELLOW peanut butter…isn’t that just fantastic!? Yes, we muddled in what’s arguably the world’s most nutrient rich spice. Native to India this elite herb has been heralded as a ‘super herb’ for millennia and for good reason, it has a whopping profile packing; protein, vitamin C, B6, calcium, iron, fibre, manganese, potassium, and magnesium. It is a remarkable laundry list of body nourishing compounds, but what could those micro and macro nutrients actually do for you?
It seeks out free radicals in the body, is an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant and keeps your skin, liver, brain, metabolism and heart healthy. So, we hope by including it in our peanut butter it may deliver some of those through a tasty dietary choice. It permeates subtle yet warming, earthy flavours, that encourage you to be creative as to where you use it. Porridge, toast, sandwich, cooking or baking; what will your plate, bowl or spoon (if you are a secret scooper!) look like tomorrow? This really is delicious.
Another unique peanut butter from Ginger Fox Foods; join us and the momentum to bring more nutrients to your table.